Psalm, let’s get to know him
What are the Psalms? They are ancient poetic prayers, written by King Solomon, King David and Moses. It is a different way of praying, but powerful. An ancient manuscript, containing the Psalms, was found in a church in Israel, in which it had remained hidden from 400 to 1600 A.D. written in Aramaic and other ancient languages, with a Syrian symbology dating back to 6000 years before Christ. Everyone has his personal Psalms, write to me and I will be happy to send them to you! I need your name, your date of birth and your mother’s name (if available). Angels and Archangels will be happy to help you. Praying every day with your psalms will change your life. Try them for yourself and for the people you love! If you prefer that I pray with psalms for you, or for another person, just tell me what you need and I’ll be happy to help you. On my site (below the link) you will find more details. I wait for you with open arms!
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A big hug!